• Votes


    EPS level alert, monitoring and visualization

    Currently Sentinel does not have any method to monitor EPS levels properly. It would good to have some way to monitor EPS levels and have an alert if e.g. system ...

  • Votes


    Use Email lists in correlation events

    If you have multiple recipients for correlation event alarms, you have to create from CC's action manager an action for each recipient or add multiple addresses to the ...

  • Votes


    Search results sorting

    Currenty search results are sorted descending according to Event Time. But when two same events have the Event Time parameter same, the order of these events is wrong. ...

  • Votes


    CM backup

    Customers are asking why we do not have official backup/restore script or other CLI method to export/import CM configuration.

  • Planned


    Run correlation rules on history data

    It would be nice to have the ability to run correlation rule againt history data and let the rule fire alerts. Now it is only possible to test the rule, but not to have ...

  • Planned


    Support IPv6 through and through

    Instead of hacking the system, such as TID 7016555, to make any use of IPv6, Sentinel should not only accept IPv6 syntaxes, but store and parse them in such a way that ...

  • Votes


    Add the ID field to the message logs under all information

    I think it would beneficial to take the information from the TIPS area in sentinel and populate it in the details of the logs when you select all. Add the ID tag to the ...