A company may standardize on using service names because when using Oracle RAC. The Sentinel Data Synchronization to Oracle feature is only possible by using the SID of the database not the service name.


  • Here is a workaround:
    Modify the entry in /opt/novell/sentinel/setup/db_update/config/databasePlatforms.xml as follows:

    Change from
    <Property name="fullJdbcUrl" value="${dburl}${HOSTNAME}:${PORTNUM}:${DATABASE};ssloff=${ssloff}" />
    <Property name="fullJdbcUrl" value="${dburl}${HOSTNAME}:${PORTNUM}/${DATABASE};ssloff=${ssloff}" />

    (note the change from ":" to "/" between ${PORTNUM} and ${DATABASE})

    Since this file is overwritten during upgrade, this workaround must be repeated after each upgrade of Sentinel.

  • We are accepting this idea into our backlog. When it is planned for development, the status of the idea will be changed to "Planned".