I would like to see the Tab Order after opening Patch Management to be the following
Patch Policies
It doesn't make sense to come into the Dashboard first and then have to select the Patches tab everytime. In my environment, the Dashboard is not that important to be the first tab (default tab) opened. Additionally, it confuses my subordinate Patch Administrators in our 12 Districts having Dashboard as the default opened tab.
by: Terry S. | over a year ago | Other
In previous Novell documentation, the default tab is Patches. Not sure why it was changed. Inquired with in-house MicroFocus Consultant about if this is a changeable setup and wasn't able to find documentation so recommended this forum.
Or the ability for ZCC to remember your tab settings for each of the objects (Bundles, Devices, Policies, etc.) I'd like to leave the Settings and Audit off for everyone so they don't "play". I'd like to move inventory into another position...