I'd like to see MAJOR.MINOR bundle versions.
Say you had developed a bundle and rolled it out to a bunch of machines, but then discovered that you needed to tweak the bundles install actions to improve it for ongoing installations but DON'T WANT IT TO REINSTALL on all the machines it has already been installed on - you make this a MINOR version change.
But if you DID want it to reinstall on previously installed machines, then you make it a MAJOR version change.
by: Shaun D. | over a year ago | Application Mgmt
this would be realy a great improvment!
Or to be able to increment bundle version manually or/and attribute GUID from a bundle to another.
this idea could solve:
This is somewhat related to sandbox versioning. Right now, when testing, there is no way to check that the test WS has the latest sandbox bundle.
I think you should make new idea that sandboxes also should get a version.
Or even just a 'publish as same version' like we used to have with ZDM, where you chose when you wanted the version updated. This is extremely annoying if you just want to rename or change some system requirements and you don't want the existing workstations running the actions again. This would be REALLY useful.
That would be a great improvment!
Update 3 - still not possible.
please vote.
I had that Problem: rolled out MS Office and after Installation on 200 out of 2000 machines I noticed that I need to add an addtional success code (for reboot required) and correct a typing error in a message box.
The thing is that in addition to the official Version number of a bundle we have aeveral internal hidden version Counters (visible after exporting a bundle to a XML files). Most do not harm but the one on the Install tab is the pane.
These internal Version Counters should be displayed and modifyable - at least for the install tab.