If we want to launch a file or executable for example a ZAV package, Zenworks has to copy the file to the local drive and then launch the file. It takes more time and harddisk space. Because it is not possible to start the file directly, we had to distribute a new share with (drive letter) for our VDI environment. We have to manage that share with rights and up to date file versions etc. Also the bundles for ENGL imaging can be more efficient.
Idea: Possibility to launch a file or executable directly with a bundle action from the (downloaded) content-repo. Just like it is possible to start an installation with a msi file form the content-repo.
- More efficient bundles
- No more extra file share to manage.
- Use one ecosystem (ZCM Control panel) with the benefits of (off site) satellite servers.
- Use less hard disk space
by: Maarten P. | over a year ago | Application Mgmt
I really like this idea! Similar to an "Install MSI" action where you can upload the MSI and whole directory it resides in. We have a lot of exe installers where we have to "Install Directory" locally, run setup, then cleanup that directory. This makes a lot more sense.
This is the same as https://www1.v1ideas.com/MFI/novell-zcm/Idea/Detail/451
Please upvote this idea so that Idea. Unfortunately I have an enhancement request submitted to VersionOne at the moment to merge ideas in the system, but it isn't there yet.
This is a perfect idea! Upload files (and folders) to the content-repo and run an exe directly from it.
This would be awesome. This would simplify actions for a number of my bundles. Instead of the install directory then launch executable, this install executable would be easier to manage.
Hi, this idea has been implemented in ZENworks 2020. A new action - 'Install Executable' is now available as part of Install & Launch Action set. This would execute the executable from the cache, obviating the need to first download the file and then execute it.