Typically user utilize about 5-10% of the bundles available to them in the window.
Yes you can type ahead in the current NAL, and you can search in the 2017 Application Windows, but users should be able to create their own "most Used" folder, og maybe better, a "not used often" folder that they could stick all the non-important bundles into - That would be a WINNER amoung our 3000+ users !


  • I think being able to mark bundle icons as favorites or starred, etc., with an accompanying favorites folder view may also accomplish this.

  • In Zenworks 7 it was called personal folder it will be nice to get this back

  • Still waiting for it

  • In ZENworks 2020, a feature has been implemented which allows end user to mark an application as favorite in ZENworks Application. This can then be accessed from a Favorite folder.