It would be nice to be able to bulk delete all bundle versions, say prior to version x? Or have an automatic cleanup that deletes old versions after a onfigurable time.


  • why not vote vor my idea?

  • Hi Anders,

    There is an option to delete previous version of a bundle/policy. Navigate to the bundle. Look for "Delete Older Versions" link under "Bundle Task" (on the left pane).

    This will provide you an prompt dialog, allowing you to do one of the following as per your need.

    () Delete all older versions
    () Delete versions older than <<Drop Down to select the version>>

    Hope this helps.

  • Great! When did that make it into ZCC? I guess that solves my problem!

  • Thanks for confirmation.

    This option is available from the time Bundle Change Management (sandbox) was introduced (either 11SP1 or 11SP2).

    As this helps, you can request to mark this idea as implemented or available.

  • This "Delete Older Versions" option is only for one bundle at a time. The link is only available from the Summary page of a given bundle. What we NEED is a way to delete older versions for MULTIPLE bundles at one time, or better, a way to specify (maybe in Configuration) how many versions to keep by default (say, 3 or 5), or as originally suggested, how LONG to keep old versions. FYI, I'd prefer not to configure by time. We can go through a lot of versions in a short time when building complex bundles; conversely, we sometimes don't get feedback from testers promptly, and having the old versions vanish before we hear back would be bad.

    There's a ZMAN command ("zman bdv {bundlename} version -p 3" to delete versions older than version 3), but it's also one bundle at a time. Best case would be a ZCC option to delete all versions older than a specific number back from the current, i.e. keep only X versions of any bundle, which could be run against multiple bundles. That way if one bundle has 8 versions and another 30, and you only want to keep 3 previous versions, versions 1-4 of the first bundle would be deleted, and versions 1-26 of the second.

    As for why something like this would be useful: We're setting up Novell Service Desk. Each prior version of a bundle shows as a separate configuration item. We have > 600 bundles, some on version 50 or higher. I am trying to kill old versions on 600+ bundles, one at a time. I am not happy about this.

  • Darcy,

    I wholeheartedly agree that this is still something that should be able to be done from the ZCC. ZMAN was suggested because it is easily scriptable as a short-term fix. We go through quarterly and run a script that does this in mass and we have roughly 9,000 bundles.

  • Bit clunky to use but I've used the Novell's ZENmigration tool configured to look at the Migration Destination (doesn't need a Source).
    This way able to select multiple bundles that exist within a zenworks folder. Need to make sure you only select those bundles with @Version in name.

  • I did vote for as well. The focus on that idea is to automate and keep X number of versions. I do like the option of not having to use an automated process and being able to just do a mass cleanup of bundle versions keeping X number of versions. Perhaps this can be implemented on the Bundles tab where I can select all bundles, or selectively choose bundles to purge bundle versions keeping X number of versions.

  • I happened to work on this idea during the hackfest. You can watch the demo @ & happy to have feedback on this.

  • Very nice - just what the doctor ordered. So how do I bring this new function into my ZCC?

  • This idea has been implemented in ZENworks 2020. A new setting is available (at zone level, Bundle folder level, bundle level) which would determine how many versions of bundle are retained.