i want to things.
an general option where i can set how much old versions of a bundle are keept.
for example when it set this value to 3. then version 0 should be deledet wenn version 4 is puplished.
an option to manually cleanup all but x new versions of a bundle.
by: Christian K. | over a year ago | Application Mgmt
Hi Christian,
There is an option to delete previous version of a bundle/policy. Navigate to the bundle. Look for "Delete Older Versions" link under "Bundle Task" (on the left pane).
This will provide you an prompt dialog, allowing you to do one of the following as per your need.
() Delete all older versions
() Delete versions older than <<Drop Down to select the version>>
Hope this helps here.
Yes, that helps a lot, but an automated (selectable) cleanup would be nice too!
Thanks for confirmation.
I have zcm 11.4.1.
But I cant find the task you mentioned...
1) Click on Bundles from Main Menu.
2) Navigate to the folder & click on the Bundle from the list.
3) Below the Main Menu, you have a snapshot called "Bundle Tasks".
4) You should see "Delete Older Versions" option. (4th in the list after Create Sandbox, Publish Sandbox, Revert Sandbox)
Alternatively, I would be glad to share screenshots if you can drop an e-mail to me at sudheer.avula@microfocus.com
I would like this too. Not on individual bundles, but a general cleanup option
We have over 400 bundles and I would like to control how many versions we keep. Too task consuming to open each bundle and use the "Delete Older Versions" method. Provide a method to override this setting for a bundle as well. Would also be nice to see a report or show in the bundle display list how many versions are retained.
We use zman bdv in a PowerShell script to delete the old versions. The script reads in a list of bundle paths generated via a database query (select PATH from ZZENOBJECT where PRIMARYTYPE like 'Bundle' and NAME like '%@Version %';). We also have a ZENWorks Reporting report that runs that query weekly to let us know how cluttered things are getting.
I happened to work on this idea during the hackfest. You can watch the demo @ https://youtu.be/eP8yKDxhhAg & happy to have feedback on this.
This idea has been implemented in ZENworks 2020. A new setting is available (at zone level, Bundle folder level, bundle level) which would determine how many versions of bundle are retained. https://www.novell.com/documentation/zenworks-2020/zen_whats_new/data/t4al753ajybh.html#t49rj9gmc09x