Displaying a User in ZCC shows the devices he is/was logged into.
Selecting "Remote Control" give the same list regardless the devices are switched on or off. Devices from both lists are not removed even when not used for a long time or the hardware no longer exists but the device object still exists in ZCM.

So often one get a "Failed to connect to server" error when trying to remote control a user - because of the selected device is not switched on.

- ZCM should clear the list "Devices Logged Into" on a regular basis - when the device is not reachable (and switched off).
- ZCC should only show the reachable devices in the list when one use the "Remote Control", "Remote Diagnostics" or "Transfer File" task on a user object.


  • All switched off agents where the user was logged in show up in the Logged in user field, it might be an option to add a possibility to delete the loggedin user from a device

  • This used to be accurate but 11.4.0 broke it for us...again.