When there is a bundle deployment on a device, users are given the choice to postopone the deployment or launch the installation. The default choice is 'ok' In many cases it has been reported that the popup happened while a user was working and by pressing the space bar, the 'ok' button was selected and the installation launched, followed by a reboot of the workstation. Customer would like that the default button in this case goes to safest and least disruptive choice possible ie: postpone the installation.
by: Yannic D. | over a year ago | Discovery and Deployment
Please check this once. https://www.novell.com/documentation/zenworks2017/pdfdoc/zen_cm_software_distribution/zen_cm_software_distribution.pdf#b946w3s
Registry Key: HKLM\Software\\Novell\\ZCM\\ActionHandler\CancelOnNoResponse. Allows reboot control and prompt control to set the auto continue and auto
cancel options.