When a new bundle is created as a sandbox then the Primary Server Replication Settings and Satellite Server Replication Settings are defined on that object and no content servers in the zone are set to included. There does not seem to be any benefit to this and it has led to multiple support issues. Since sandboxes are not replicated by default anyway this does not seem necessary.

Some issues we have run into that seem related to this are:

1. When we replaced our Primary Servers, dozens of bundles that were under development stopped working and had to be recreated because the content was only on the content server they were created on which was retired.

2. While it is not as common as it used to be, whatever mechanism is in the product that is supposed to set the inherited settings on publish will just not fire leaving the bundles in a non-usable state until somebody manually reverts those settings.

3. If the packaging server the bundle was made on is down, that bundle cannot be tested or deployed without the content being re-created.

4. ZPM does not replicate new patch bundles if their bundle name ends in @Version... and this is assumed to be related (This status may change as it is an open SR).

If there is a really good reason for this behavior of new bundles then please fix all of the mechanisms that are supposed to revert those settings on publish so that they all work *all* of the time and provide some way to manage working around down servers. That being said, it seems it would be much easier to change the behavior in general reducing the work for everybody.


  • We are running into an issue during the "Replacing the First Primary Server with the Second Primary Server" process. The documentation states, "Since sandbox bundle content only syncs to the Primary Server to which the content is uploaded and is not replicated to all the Primary Servers in the zone, it is recommended that you manually sync the sandbox bundle content to other Primary Servers by using the Sync Sandbox Content to Content Servers option in ZCC" But there is no Zone wide setting to set "Sync Sandbox Content to Content Servers" We are having to find all bundles with a sandbox and set this for each individual bundle. Also, there is no easy mechanism to list all bundles with a sandbox.