When a 32bit installer installs the software on a 64 bit platform and writes to HKLM\software or HKCU\software, the OS silently redirects those keys to HKLM\software\WOW6432 or HKCU\software\WOW6432. This is totally hidden for the 32bit application or process.
When a registry key is written by zcm, the registry add is done by a 64bit service on the client. This means that the key is not redirected, the created key however is created for a program that lives a 32 bit environment that can only see the redirected version of the registry.
It would be great to have a choice to run the action on the workstation in 32bit mode for deploying 32bit application objects . The registry add function then also looks at the registry the same way the application does. Then you don’t have to worry about the WOW6432node when importing a .reg file and can apply the same registry keys to a 32bit an 64 bit OS. On a 64bit OS the keys will automatically be redirected to the WOW6432 subnode.
The request is to be able to have the choice to let the registry mofification be run by a 32bit process on the client.
by: Bart v. | over a year ago | Install