For zenworks and all other novell systems to be able to single sign in.
by: james w. | over a year ago | ZENworks Control Center
by: james w. | over a year ago | ZENworks Control Center
For zenworks and all other novell systems to be able to single sign in.
by: james w. | over a year ago | ZENworks Control Center
please define more exactly.
novell client login is allready passed to the zcm login.
The credentials are passed through but you still have to type them in. Why can't you automatically log into zenworks without having to type in your login credentials again.
in my envoirement the login to zcm is automaticly done. only one authentication on novell client is necessary.
so you dont get a login box appear when you try to log into zenworks?
no second login box, there might be something wrong in your agent configuration