Adding the sort-able Bundle Order column to the bundles page so we can easily view and sort by bundle order


  • Sorry but what is bundle "run order". A bundle group runs as it is displayed on the screen. If you need to sort by say "Has sandbox" then too many bundles in that folder. Create a structure of folders.

  • I think that is meant:

    Bundle - Summary | General | Bundle Order:
    "This field determines the order in which bundles are set to run. Multiple bundles can have different priorities, based on the order value set. You control the order in which the bundle is started by entering a numeric value in the Edit field. A value of 0 to a maximum value of 9999999. The value 0 has the highest priority."

  • This would work for me too. I really need a way to see what bundles have sandbox. Either filters on the right or sorting all columns would work.

  • I think filters (on the right) and a column sort would be needed for a complete feature implementation.