OES is only one enterprise grade Linux based file sharing, printing and id solution.
Please do not loose ability to serve to multi platform eco and push the Novell Clients and iPrint client for Linux and OSX. Take care to complete solution with Linux based Desktop Environment (as SLED in past). That's is good time to play again. Windows will loose its dominance in next 5 year in enterprise as it loose it in home market.


  • Wouldn't Mono (http://www.mono-project.com/) be ideal for this? I'm not a developer but, one code base for all three, why not?

  • Consolidating Client for OES Platform requests and associated client requests under https://www1.v1ideas.com/MFI/novell-oes/Idea/Detail/15373

    Marking this as completed, as the alternative tag is only inappropriate, which is clearly not the case.