In order to fully backup eDirectory, rollforward logging must be turned on. By default, roll forward logs will continue to be created by eDirectory until they are deleted by a sysadmin or take up all of the available disk space. A certain number of roll forward logs are required by eDirectory in order to correctly start after a crash or to back up to the last known good state, so it is important to regularly delete the logs that are no longer used (i.e. are older than the last checkpoint) while retaining those that are still needed by the system.

It is possible to determine the last-needed roll forward log in iManager by going to eDirectory Maintenance -> Backup Configuration and running the wizard. However, this function does not easily lend itself to a scripted solution for eDirectory backups -- it requires either manual lookup by an administrator or a complicated use of CURL in order to "scrape" the log information.

Ideally, one should be able to script eDirectory backup by running dsbk to dump the dib files, remove unneeded rfl files, and then copy the needed rfl files (thus doing a clean backup and rfl maintenance at the same time). To do this cleanly, the use of CURL (above) should be replaced by a way to determine the name and location of the last roll forward log needed by eDirectory in a manner consistent with simple command-line and scripting methods.

Proposed Solution:
Extend an existing eDirectory command line tool such a ndstrace, ndsrepair, or dsbk with a flag that will output the path to the oldest roll forward log that eDirectory currently needs to retain. This could be made more granular by supplying separate flags to separately supply all of the information given by the iManager backup configuration wizard.

Value Proposition:
Full dsbk backups of eDirectory with roll forward logging could be entirely scripted in Linux and other CLI-friendly environments. Regular automated deletion of roll-forward logs could be conducted in a much safer manner. The need to crudely grab information from iManager with CURL would be reduced.

Alternately, a feature for eDirectory to automatic prune roll forward logs could be introduced.
