As part of Kanaka Client or using a different light weight agent.

If you voting for this - please add a comment indicating which option suits you - Kanaka Client or outside of it.


  • We have a large number of Mac OS X users on campus (about 60% of all users). They mount the NSS volumes via CIFS and it would be very useful to provide them with a way to salvage or purge files without resorting to iManager. We do not use Kanaka Client (direct LDAP login to eDir).

  • Several of my customer do not leverage Kanaka but have the OSX device's as a stand-alone or as member of their domain/AD.

  • Lightweight agent/extension please

  • Kanaka, if other work were also done on Kanaka.

  • Definitely want to see this included in Kanaka Plugin and Kanaka Client. Many of our Mac users miss out on the Salvage Files ability that their Windows counterparts are able to utilise.

  • I would like to see the following available on the Mac:
    * Salvage
    * Purge
    * Trustee rights etc. management
    * Directory quota visibility

    Personally I'd be happy if a tiny agent allowed the CIFS user to right-click on the file in Finder and click on links that SSOed them through to a Web page to do the actual work. (a bit like the dropbox agent does)