Abandon Microfocus Ideas and go back to Novell Requirements Portal (Enhancement Request). That is mature,well designed and well developed site. And this site is full of ideas and requirements. Re-promote this to Microfocus, Attachmate and Novell users:
Use them and implement it. That is all what we need...


  • I disagree. The Enhancement Request system was a 'black hole' for 99% of customers users that was neglected by Novell. It should have been killed off many years ago. An open system like Microfocus Ideas - where everyone can vote on the enhancements that make sense in their environment or create a new one if nothing existing fits - is far superior in my view. Sophos uses something similar and it is well received there.

  • Any system is only as good as the follow-up it receives. Thus, this one or the old one, if ignored, will result in the same lack of motion.

  • As a long time Novell Employee I must say the feedback given via this portal and it's PM's is refreshing! You can vote for great idea's and if many people feel the same way it is adopted and put into the respective roadmap. AND: you get an e-mail stating the progress of the idea!

  • The MFI portal is way better than RMS! It gives ALL users a vote, and a chance to see whats popular...RMS favored the large sites, and the ideas were not seen by other users...MFI portal gives exposure of the idea and gets a wider audience for review.Rather than a big 40000 user site putting up an request on RMS which then gets priority due to the site size, but nobody else uses the feature...

  • Sophos/Astaro have used this same concept for years, and their products are much enhanced because of it...I actually made an RMS suggestion for a system such as this (like the Sophos/Astaro one) a few years back...

  • Maybe the ideas and enhancement request not already implemented could be automatically transferred to the new portal?

  • Going back to the old RMS-System is not an option.
    But why isn't Microfocus using it's own "new" Novell Products instead of this third-party-platform??? Novell Vibe has a rating-system in discussionfolders too. With this it should be possible to leverage such ideas-portal too...

  • RMS need to go away for all microfocus companies. I have a six month old enhancement for Access Manager that is rotting away with NetIQ. No feedback, no customer exposure.
    RMS is a horrible platform.
    However, some more detail in NFI would be nice.

  • I also think RMS is not working at all, I posted few enhancement requests for years and nothing back. I don't know if RMS is better or worst than Microfocus Ideas, but in any case there must be only one plateform for ideas and requests and it must be properly maintained.

  • If RMS is the black hole, my question is what response you got from IDEA? The problem is not in Name the problem is in the class of of design (IDE is very poor) amd in corporate politic regarding request. I do not see any advancement in IDEA comparing to RMS regarding process of requests. But I see that IDEA is very simple and poor designed tool comparing to RMS, for sure .