Some products (especially ZCM) now have many ideas in the portal. I occasionally log into the portal and try to find all of the ideas that are new since the last time I looked so that I might find new ideas to vote for and also to prevent duplicating any requests that I might have (the search box is only semi-effective because similar ideas can use very different terminology and titles).

I would like a good means of seeing all the ideas submitted from a fixed point wherein I last seriously looked at the portal. I can see several possible ways to implement this, and I am not picky about which is chosen. A few possibilities:

1. Allow me to subscribe to an ideas channel (GW, ZCM, etc.) and send me a weekly summary e-mail of new ideas submitted that week.

2. Show me a tab listing ideas newer than the youngest idea I voted on.

3. Show me a tab listing ideas newer than the last date I logged in.

None of these are perfect, but all are acceptable.
