By older guys mod_edir is known. It was the apache2 module under NetWare to enable simple homepages for users located in their homedirectory, in eg. a 'public_html' directory. The thing was that is was not server centric. So, homedirectory server and web server needed not to be on the same server. mod_edir did an NCP connection in the background if an http request came in for a homepage.
This has been gone with linux based OES. Some people work around this lack of functionality with a web server mounting all homedir volumes with NFS or put an open web server on the homedirectory servers. But this is cumbersome and moreover MF has all ingredients at hand to build this functionality with their software.
E.g. FiLR can make NCP connections to remote servers, has a web server and has even more an idea of access rights. But it shows only a directory listing. So, an option of excluding a directory from this listing/indexing and pass files simply when referenced by an URL to a browser would do the job. Sharing with public or other named/authenticated users is already in.
(Same should hold for NetStorage - at least in parts).
So, an simplified stripped-down FiLR would be fine!


  • I agree. This is functionality I hear a whole lot from peers.

  • I do support this functionality, but I would not use Filr as the Web Server, because it would bring a huge can of worms with it. Users could then build a page that uses js to ddo bad stuff as other users and it would run, since it is running under "SAME-ORIGIN" and even using the same cookies. I can think of at least four evil ways to exploit this, but will not give anyone here any ideas on how to be properly evil.
    However, I actually do have an idea in my head on how to do this properly, leveraging Filr and needing no code change, and no public sharing and no external sharing. I'll need to test/evaluate, though. I'll post when I've had the time ;).