Why do we need "Yet another account". Ideas from VersionOne supports SSO via SAML federation.

Microfocus/Novell/NetIQ/Attachmate have 2 different products for handling SSO via SAML federation. In fact one of them is even deployed across most MF sites.

The docs on the VersionOne site are here:

Yes there is an additional cost for SSO, but without it, it looks fairly lame.


  • I agree entirely. Microfocus needs to demonstrate the benefits of it's own technology in this area.

  • I would like to use my Novell/Attachmate/Microfocus login for Ideas

  • We fully agree that this needs to be there, unfortunately at the moment while the core VersionOne application supports SAML, the Ideas component does not yet support federation. We have contact VersionOne to request this capability. I would encourage you to upvote the following idea : https://ideaspace.versionone.com/default/Idea/Detail/682

  • I would upvote the VersionOne idea if I didn't have to create Yet Another Account to do so! Whilst The Microfocus Ideas portal doesn't use SSO it seems each portal set uses it's own set of credentials so for each company using Ideas you have to register separately. Yet another reason why the MF Ideas needs to use SSO using the MF Id!

  • I voted...

  • Almost stopped sharing my ideas because lacking this feature.. :(

  • Agreed. If VersionOne isn't going to implement this, I see no reason why MicroFocus can't just replicate this same platform (oh, that's right, Novell already *had* this type of platform in place, years ago...) and we would have SSO by default.

    I, too, didn't up-vote the other idea due to having to create yet another point of identity vulnerability (er...online account).

  • Ditto "didn't" comments above - and agreeing with other folk, the old RMS was ok, and an "Ideas" type application comes free with many CMSs, and really isn't hard to build for anything else. It feels like Ideas is now as out of control as RMS.