We are running Filr in an international environment. Our clients are located all around the world doing research projects. Therefore a lot of our users are asking for the possibility to choose the default language to there native tongue at the login screen. This would be really helpful.


  • Addtionally the best would be to be able to choose the langage for the recipient. Today in the email sent, we have a mixture of the basic filr installation langage and the user defined langage. Please improve the whole langage translation !!

  • It would be great to have different share templates that we can choose from to provide an appropriate branded email text with each share.

  • Hey Christian, need some more data on this.
    Would you be referring to Desktop/Mobile Clients or Filr VA?
    If Clients: the language gets automatically selected based on the locale Windows/Mac/Mobiles are running. Would this not be enough for your users?

  • Hi Devades, thank you for getting back to us.
    I presume me and the others who voted for this idea are referring to the Web Application.

    When we send an invitation to our colleges abroad, there is no option to select the language of the invitation mail.
    Lets say my Web Application local setting is german. In that case the receiver of the invitation will get an email in german. The receiver of the invitation has no option to change the language of the registration form.

    I hope I was able to make my point clear. :-)

  • Yes, these are two points that both might be improved easily:
    1) When sharing with internal users the email is send in the language the recipient has chosen in his or her profile. That is fine. Email to new external users is sent in the language defined as default for the Filr site. The sender has no choice here. So there should be a little button for chosing the language, or the email should be sent in the language the sender has defined in his or her profile.
    2) Both the login page as well as the registration page for new external users should display the language as defined in the web browser preferences.

  • Some better option for the user to change the language would be helpful or to set a default language dependent of LDAP attribute.

    On logon screen it would be good but maybe also at the home screen like the language bar in windows. Currently every user who wants to change the language have to go this way: Click at user at the upper right corner -> View Profile -> Edit. This is to complicated!!!

  • Thanks Christian, all - noted!

  • This would be a very nice feature as it seems that external users see the register page in the language of the inviting user - really confusing when a German user invites someone from USA for example.

    It should be also possible to request the browser's default language.
    And if this should not work in a specific case, there should be a "fallback language" which is shown when the external users' language could not be recognized. I assume many more people understand English than German.

  • our company has offices in several european countries - not all of these offices accepted the german language as their default. We therefore need the language selection - preferably via LDAP / AD. Otherwise we have big problems with the use of FilR!

  • Noted Thorsten & Klaus.

    Klaus - am a bit confused with you mentioning LDAP/AD. That would be for non-external user. Could you clarify?

    Others, Which of the solution would you prefer more:
    a)Filr senses the language/locale of web browser that new external user opens for self-registration and shows the self-registration page in that locale
    b) External users get to see a drop down to select the language in which the self-registration page needs to be displayed

  • Hi All,

    Here is how were are thinking of implementing this idea.

    - The initial page refers to log in, self registration, and file request pages
    - The initial Filr page should be in the browsers locale
    - If the browser locale is un-supported then default to the Filr server locale
    - Provide an option to change the locale in the initial page
    - Provide an option to change the locale in all Filr web pages (optional)
    - The browser(or user selected) locale should be persisted and enforced in all pages for the session

    Please share your feedback on these and let know if we are missing anything!

  • Thanks for all your idea and inputs on this!

    We have got main part of this implemented and released as part of Filr 3.4 (which was released few hours back)

    Feel free to put in a new idea for anything that we may have missed from this idea.
