Currently the second disk in the applicances is stored as independet persistent and this rpevents veeam from backing this data up.
We need to have a procedure to backup and restore the personal storage (this will include a mechanism to backup filr, sql and search appliance at the same exact point in order to avoid corruption.)
by: Vihren T. | over a year ago | Administration
Hi Vihren,
There has recently been some discussion on this suggested 'best practice'. This 'independent disk' strategy has been chosen to protect an 'admin' from accidentally deleting a disk, or rolling back to a previous snapshot losing Filr data. Personally, I for the backup-reason you run into yourself, I never use this disk as an independent disk, so feel free to make it a normal disk which can be backed up with your solution. It is not that it works better for Filr as a solution. It is really up to the VMware admin to decide how to work with these disks, work with snapshots, backup, and to work with the Filr admin to perform the upgrades of the appliances. You can just still move/copy an existing data disk to a newly appliance VM and hook it up there weather the disk was independent or not.