After providing user pin to access Filr from a remote App leveraging the AppPicker technology the password popup is triggered also. This is true in an environment where password caching is disabled globally in Filr. This is inconsistent behavior compared to a direct login on the Filr App which only asks for a pin (as expected).

In the Filr App login only needs a pin then then when leveraging the AppPicker should behave like that too

Steps to duplicate:
•Disable password caching for Mobile Apps in the Filr Admin console
•Then, on an IOS device start the Filr App, user now has to provide un/pw but cannot select password caching at this point (as it is disabled globally)
•In the Filr App> Settings setup a pin for the user
•Now close and Start the Filr App: at login the user now only has to provide a pin to access the App.
•Start Word (or another App like Pages) and try to open a file in Filr using the AppPicker so to open/edit the document in the Filr store
•A popup is now triggered to provide the user pin (expected)
•After providing pin a Filr password popup is triggered (strange, why behaves the normal Filr App login not like this....)
•After providing the password the user can browse the Filr folder structure.

IOS 9.1 with Filr App 1.3
