Our end users use portals in their daily work, they integrate with O365 and Google Doc's. We need Filr to do the same. This must be a problem for many educational institutions.


  • What exactly are you looking for? Filr integration with a specific solution? Or do you mean 3th party solution show Filr as a file source, like specific Mobile App that have support for specific file sharing solutions by default?

  • Yes file integration with a portal "MeeBook" The portal do not allow uploads of files, so we need to see an Filr icon displayed in tha portal. when you select it, you opens Filr, so you can choose the file you want to link to. The file will still be located in Filr. Clicking on the file will retrieve it from Filr.

  • I would think this is primarily the responsibility of MeeBook to setup such a "plugin" in their solution. I believe it is not that hard to create a plugin that lets you browse the Filr files and create a link on demand that can be added to your MeeBook "document". More work would be involved if you have to decide if this is just for personal use, so when clicking the file authentication is required or SSO involved somehow. Interesting would be if others click that link and what should happen that case. Then you have to decide upfront how and with who to setup sharing of that file. That function has to be available in the plugin too.

    I suggest you (also) ask MeeBook to take a look at integration with Filr and if needed they can contact the Filr Product Manager for help with such.

  • I already asked MeeBook, O365 and Google doc´s provide a solutions ,and it is allready awaiable. We have SSO for all connections to portals already. MeeBook insists that you make the filepicker.

  • Hi

    I must agree with Per A. on this one... Let's look at Google Drive and OneDrive as an example... they do provide a filepicker which make it possible to easily integrate their product with whatever product is being made.

    The filepicker Per A. is referring to must be this: https://developers.google.com/picker/docs/

    Saying "That's the other guys problem" is an quite old fashioned way of looking at things... and it often leads to a situation where the "hard to integrate" product is being replaced by the "easy to integrate" product.

  • For the record, I'm not an Micro Focus employee and I'm just looking for what could be of help to my customers too so I can help you get this IDEA going.

    I'm aware of the Google Filepicker and that is a -great- solution. I'm just thinking such is a -lot- of work to get done and still we would need those 3th parties to work with us to get our Filr FilePicker into their solutions. So, Long term this needs to be done, I'm convinced of that. But then I think we would need to get such done at a Micro Focus level a this would be better so all products could leverage from such (Filr, Vibe, TeamWorks, etc). Then a MF/Filr FilePicker could have a additional complex factor as the solution will be hosted at a lot of places while Google (as an example) has a fixed set of systems (https://www.googleapis.com) available for this to trust. These needs to be trusted by the 3th party and comments on this are in the Goole article refferencing such.

    Short term, and that is what I mean by 'let the other party take a look at what they can do to help us' a solution would be MeeBook implements like WebDAV support which works with almost any solution supporting WebDAV, including Filr. The user expirience would not be as rich as working with a dedicated FilePicker, but it is IMO much easier to implement. As such works with any solution the investment for the 3th party (like MeeBook) is easier to justify verses an investment implementing AND maintaining a Filr FilePicker.

    Mind again this is just -my personal opinion- and not that of Micro Focus. I'm just sceptic on 3th parties implementing a dedicated Filr FilePicker and would think it's better to fight from both sides to get this going.