It would be interesting to change the LDAP user search by Groups rather than by OU.
In this way we reduce the number of synchronized users.
by: Aaron V. | over a year ago | Administration
by: Aaron V. | over a year ago | Administration
It would be interesting to change the LDAP user search by Groups rather than by OU.
In this way we reduce the number of synchronized users.
by: Aaron V. | over a year ago | Administration
This should be already possible as the LDAP filter string is editable. Any custom rule can be added to the LDAP filter.
So in this case, a rule like this "(groupmembership=<group-name>)" can be appended to the filter.
One clarification, when you say seach by "OU" are you pointing to the base DN of the search query ?
Moving this to completed as this is already supported in Filr (as discussed above)