We have many users who use FilR only from Desktop Client. With quotas defined, they need to cleanup their personal folder to stay below the limit.
But deleting files in personal folder from desktop client doesn't reduce the size because files are actually moved to the Filr trash which is not accessible (not even visible) from Desktop Client. Users need to connect to FilR from the web page to get access to the trash and empty it.
In the Desktop Console, nothing even tells you that you have files in the trash.

Honestly I can't explain that to the users...

As files deleted from Desktop Client are also put in the Windows Trash, there should at least be an option to disable FilR trash from Desktop Client.
Or give access to the Filr trash directly from Desktop Client.


  • Noted Seabstien. Based on the interest - will plan for this.

  • Ja, diese ist eine sinnvolle Anpassung!
    Yes, this is a sensible adjustment!

  • Yes, we need it, it a good idea!

  • Same here, putting Filr files into Windows trash is a nightmare for help desk people.