FAMTd not using organizational roles. So that, Filr calculates the folder permission rights in a wrong way for the following scenario:
- Assume we have X:\folder1\subfolder1.1.
- UserA doesn't have rights to folder1, but has rights to subfolder1.1 through his role RoleA.
In the above scenario, If I tried to access X:\folder1, I'm getting "The folder is not accessible." error message.
If the rights to subfolder1.1 is assigned to the user directly using his username not his role, the above scenario works correctly.
by: Mohamed A. | over a year ago | Administration
I fully support this request, we have not implemented FILR specifically because of this. We heavily use groups and roles for file access.
Call support. By modifying a configuration file on Filr web servers we've been able to support rights assigned to organizational roles.
But I agree, it should be natively supported.
I fully support this request, we have not implemented FILR specifically because of this. We heavily use groups and roles for file access.
Support this - there's little point in having rich abstraction mechanisms to handle roles and then be unable to use them because a product comes along which works in a more simplistic way.
Noted, will check with team on this.
I believe this is vital to the continued success of NSS and Filr in a highly competitive environment.
Organizational Role support has been added to Filr 3.4
Thanks for your idea and inputs!