the possibility to search expired, share, share with certain duration (ex. never), and so on.
the possibility to delete all expired share at once, or when the share expire.
the current share manager allow very few options for an admin
by: Fabio C. | over a year ago | Administration
Thanks for the idea Fabio.
Would this be for users OR Admin? If for Admin: note that many of the files whose share has expired would still be needed for user who has shared it. So, giving admin the rights to delete those could create issues here.
In order to help us understand and make this part of Filr's backlog, can you share the requirement in the following format:
As a Filr admin/user (persona)
I would like to be able to .... (what is needed)
So that ..... (how does this helps)
I think a feature for users and admins.
As an admin, can manage share of all users
1. Search share by keywords, destinations (user who receive an invitation) or senders (user who send and invitation)
2. Search expired shares
3. Search shares with N days duration (ex. 15 days duration, or NEVER in expire option)
4. Delete shares (not the folders)
As a normal user: same as per admin, but only for the user shares