I've multiple customers asking for email/message templates. While it is possible to save a message in GW and use that as a (kind of) a template this if a plain text message and this only works with the Windows desktop client. Case the message is made in HTML and then the View is saved, the HTML of the message is not preserved. Starting a new mail message from the just created View gives just a plain text file. Of course the're a 3th party solution, but that also is limited to the Windows desktop client.
Beside saving a message as a Viwe we are able to save a message as Draft, but once opened and send off it is removed from the GroupWise folder it was saved to.
As more users also work from WebAccess (or using mobile and with GW2014 R2 using the Mac client) we need a simple but powerfull solution for this. I would like to have a 'Templates' folder in GroupWise and be able to save a Draft Message to that. The difference being that if a message is opened in the Templates folder, it is opened read only (unless a menu options marks is editable) and when send off the message it is NOT removed from the Templates folder. This would at least works in the Windows and WebAcc client and with both plain text and HTML messages. Hope that would work on a Mobile Device over ActiveSync if the folder would be marked a syned, and hopefully on the Mac or other clients that have access to the Templates folder.
On top of that it would be great to have a way to centrally manage (GW admin console) templates on system, domain and postoffice level, which then would sync the (updated) template to the user Templates folder. This way they are available in offline mode too.
Not sure if possible, but a bonus for an ability to make the template partly non-editable for parts marked non-editable in the template. Kind of how that works with adding a signature which greys out the added field. This would also at least work for the Windows desktop and WebAcc client. Other 'clients' would then just shows the template editable.
Great way to make sure everyone uses the same email structure for specific emails.
by: Sebastiaan V. | over a year ago | Windows Client
At least in the 2014 R2 Windows client you can create a folder of messages and use the Duplicate command to use them as templates. This doesn't solve the WebAccess issue.
I agree. Our remote sales staff could really use this type of a feature for sending out product update announcements to our customers.
Just in case some readers are not aware, we have a Stationery solution for the Windows GroupWise client (not WebAccess) which is powered by Formativ.
The templates need also be usable for replies; see also the IDEA "Text Templates in E-MAIL" @