Lot of our employees work part time (3 or 4 days a week) or only in the morning / afternoon.
On the work days or day periods they do not work they want to send a reply to the sender to inform he/she is not available.
On weekend days the rule should not trigger, a weekend can be saturday/sunday or friday/saturday.
For this the current Work Schedule settings need to be extended with start/end time for every day and a weekend select option Fri/Sat or Sat/Sun.
by: Hans B. | over a year ago | Windows Client
Would be helpful to use as well.
We also have part time staff who are requesting this feature.
We have a lot of customers who could use this feature.
We also need this feature. I also send this idea to MF support to find how if they are actually looking at this and if not, how we can create a rule that does this using the current available conditions. This is pretty basic stuff that should work these days.