As a GroupWise admin, I have taught my users to hyperlink to files instead of sending them as attachments. This saves space on the server and allows for editing of the files without requiring them to be re-emailed. Problem is after building the hyperlink, there is no way to test it before emailing. In Microsoft Word, you can CTRL+click to test any hyperlink. It would be nice if this worked in GroupWise as well.
by: Becky C. | over a year ago | Windows Client
Have you tried right-mouse button clicking on the [your_url] hyperlink and then choose the option at the bottom of the context menu: Go to [your_url]? This can be done when composing a new message.
Another option is to save the message as a draft in the Work In Progress folder and use QuickViewer to preview the message before it is sent. You can click on links contained within the message as you would when viewing a received or sent message.
Thank you very much for this info! Guess you really can teach an old dog new tricks. I did not know you could right click and test before sending. Appreciate your sharing!
GW2014 R2 will show the link in red at the bottom of the view if it looks bad.