If would be great to have the Delayed Message Queue show the domain involved for each message listed. As is, when there are messages showing, we have to shell to the server to view the messages directly to see what is happening. Seeing what the domains are in one place can help lower tier support staff quickly report that we are having problems delivering mail to fubar.org again, or that it is many different domains which would be a different troubleshooting path.
Not like it would be hard to find the line that starts with *U1* RCPT TO: and extract the domain from between the @ and >
Example 1) a couple months ago Hotmail.com was under a DDoS and caused enough messages to backlog to be a problem. would have been sped things up to know that it was all that one domain upfront
Example 2) a couple destinations' antispam isn't liking our PDFs but only giving us 420 errors for them. Confirming that they are the only two domains being deferred means we won't be surprised by any other issues building on that front. If we had this now, we could also see that another domain is down that we could then find is a "450 host unavailable"
by: Andy K. | over a year ago | Agents
The work around I've needed to do is a simple one liner
grep "RCPT TO:" /media/nss/GATE/gateway/wpgate/gwia/defer/*
which of course requires shelling in to do as part of checking 'which domains are we have problems getting to today'.