Windows client: If I assign self named categories to an item I want to be able to see it as text and not only as color rectangle in the item lists.


  • This was in version 2012 normal, according to me. It's changed since 2014R2. Hope this comes back again, many of our secretarie colleagues have mentioned this as a problem now its gone in GW2014R2.

  • This is also important for our employees. Some have up to 20 categories and are hardly able to cope with the possible colors, much less can handle this and find orientation. With these employees, we have returned to GW 2012. Please insert a check box, how to handle the view of categories. So that the user can select between colors or text. This is very important for us.

  • I'd like this too. I'd like it to be like it's done with Gmail labels. Where they show the label(s) on the subject