There are currently 2 alternatives for voting: every recipient can see the results, or just the sender. I'd suggest a 3rd alternative: anonymously, meaning no one can see who has voted, and their choice, only the sender can view the anonymous results.


  • Isn't this the same as just sender view results?

  • In my opinion there are (possible) differences, but it may depend on how this is interpreted. The most anonymous way would only allow the sender so see the results (and not who has voted, and definitely not the vote of each participant). There are partly anonymous solutions that would allow the sender to know who hasn't voted, or maybe automatic reminders only to those who hasn't yet voted. I guess it shouldn't be made too complex (though in theory the aggregate results could be shown only when a minimum number of varying votes are received). 4 suggestions: 1) Completely open, all results viewable by everyone 2) Results viewable by everyone, but only the sender knows who has voted 3) Results and participants only to be seen by the sender 4) The sender only see aggregate results