We don't use the Outside In Viewer here, since no one views pdf, doc or xls with this. The Users would like it to open in their Applications. Accidentally clicking on big attachments lead to unnecessary delays. Some of the Attachments just show "Unknown error". The Viewer isn't capable of showing the content we are interested in, so we need to open it externally anyway. "Zooming" is not working correctly. And on top of that it takes months till Oracle supplies security patches for this…


  • But please remember, that the viewer is resistant of all crypt-trojans, what external programs are _not_....

  • Umm, that would be nice, wouldn't it? Reality is, the Oracle Outside In Viewers are a constant, massive source of their very own security holes huge as cruiseships.

  • absolutely! Security over "convenience", and most of my users have to open externally anyway as the rules are scan first, which means they have to save it outside of Groupwise anyway. Once they scan, they open in their default program. So no need for this until the day Oracle gets their act together and puts out a product that IS secure--it's like Java, ditch it until otherwise (another historically insecure product).

  • Alternately is there a way to select and attachment in the "attachment window" without it opening a preview? Being able to click on an attachment to drag to another window without having previews load would be great. Disabling Outside In would give this functionality and solve it for me. Thanks

  • In GroupWise 18, the Oracle Outside In viewer technology was replaced with Micro Focus's own KeyView viewer technology that came from the HPE-S acquisition.

    See https://www.microfocus.com/en-us/products/file-viewer-filter/overview

    Give that a try for viewer performance.