Optional configuration that could be used for some post offices of vital operation for you company or with VIP users, etc
When you set up the post office could have the option of creating an area of primary storage and one secondary, which might be located on the same server, in a disc of a SAN, an external disk, etc.
Both areas of storage are mirrors, one of the other. The agent POA would copy, simultaneously in the databases and verify that both areas are kept synchronized all time
In case of a failure in the disk or main storage area, the agent of the POA will make the change automatically to the secondary storage area (also changed the link between the domain and the post office if necessary) and the post office would continue to work with a minimum stop in the service.
The storage area that failed to be placed automatically in "offline" mode, until the fail it is resolved and all data have been synchronized. Once synchronized data, the POA agent is configured to use the primary storage area again. This activity would be a task that would undertake the GroupWise administrator.
The main idea of this scheme is to prevent a failure in the storage area affects over a long period of time to a post office, while the fault in the disk or storage area is resolved.
by: Carlos R. | over a year ago | Administration
I think that part of this issue is solved with GWAVA Reload. Now a product of Micro Focus