Is it possible to change the folder draft GW messages are stored in to something other than "Work in Progress"? The reason I ask is that the Work in Progress folder is NOT synced to PDAs via GMS. What I have done to solve this is to create an arbitrary folder in GW (say, Followup) and when I save a GW e-mail, I manually select this folder and then have that folder synced to my PDA via GMS. Obviously this is a little extra work.
Another option is to have "Drafts" folder on the PDA sync to the GW Work in Progress folder.
by: Charles R. | over a year ago | Mobility Services
2 way syncing of drafts was added the the EAS activesync protocol last fall with version 16.0 along with redesign of calendar sync and support for calendar attachments. When this version of protocol is added to GMS, hopefully later this year then we'll have it.
Of note, currently we have unofficial 1 way syncing from gw work in progress to device drafts