Have WebAccess integrate in the new browsers that support the "Notifications API". With this, the new mail notification shows up in the OS notification area (i.e. Windows 10 - bottom right corner).
Also code a notification mini app ( like Google did for their Gmail service - see https://support.google.com/mail/answer/1075549?hl=en )
I know we have a sound play when new messages arrive when logged into WebAccess with Auto-refresh.
by: Gene H. | over a year ago | WebAccess
Similar to this idea, but a little bit easier to accomplish:
As a GroupWise user I would like to have a notification for calendar events in WebAccess. Some warning text in red, or a popup window, or a blinking browser tab, or a different sound than new email would be adequate.
I also want to have meeting notifications 10 minutes before (or set up) to remember