Prime User databases sometimes get out of sync with the original mailbox. There have been TIDs on how to identify the pu* database for a specific mailbox and those are very lengthy and tedious tasks. Moreover, there is no way to simply tell the POA to fix these databases. The TIDs currently say "find the bad prime database, delete it and let the POA recreate it".
Often, it's better just to delete them all. But this is like fixing a wound by cutting off your arm. Oh sure the wound's gone but you've created new problems.
It would be very nice to be able to see in the GroupWise Administration Console:
- search for a prime user database by name and have it show what user it belongs to
- look at the general tab in the user page in the GAC and see the name of the user/message databases and all of the prime databases in the other post offices in the system. VERY useful.
- be able to - either in GWCHeck or in the GAC to say "regenerate prime databases" or "check/repair".
Then the POA can decide if it's out of sync and delete/repair it at its option.
Currently we rely on end user complaints about address books not being correctly shared and that's just not right.
by: Willem B. | over a year ago | Administration
A further refinement to this would be to have the names of the prime user databases listed in the user record on the "Account" tab of the GAC.
The main database is userFID.db ... but the prime user dataase ... well, only GroupWise knows that because puxxxxxx.db where xxxxxx is a random number is really hard to figure out whose database it is.
If it were listed:
Prime User databases:
Post Office ... filename
VAPO2 pu123434.db
WVPO pu244332.db
etc... that would significantly speed up the ability to identify it. Even better would be to have a button "delete" and "recreate"... The POA auto creates it, so a delete would be enough.
Additional a way to cleaning up orphaned PU-DBs. If an user is moved, the no longer need will be still there for ever...