In the Users, Nicknames, Groups listings, when we filter down, there is an export button so that we can export the result to a CSV file.
The System | Expired Records list is exactly what we're looking for but there is no "export" button.
Would like to be able to export this for our monthly expired-users report.
by: Willem B. | over a year ago | Administration
currently, only the object available for csv export are a from a list endpoint of the REST API, ie list/user.
Perhaps this would help
curl -k --user admin:pwd -H "accept:application/json"
will dump expired data to a json doc (easier to read and parse than xml)
"object" : [ {
"@type" : "user",
"@url" : "/gwadmin-service/domains/Idaho/postoffices/Boise/users/AAnderson",
"guid" : "FFF76950-18BD-0000-A069-646162313834",
"id" : "USER.Idaho.Boise.AAnderson",
"lastModifiedBy" : "admin.utahsys",
"lastModifiedOp" : "MODIFY",
"name" : "AAnderson",
"timeCreated" : 1427823632000,
"timeLastMod" : 1454148108000,
"preferredAddressFormat" : {
"inherited" : false,
"value" : "FIRST_LAST"
"domainName" : "Idaho",
"postOfficeName" : "Boise",
"preferredEmailAddress" : "",
"visibility" : "SYSTEM",
"expirationDate" : 1430460000000,
"fileId" : "76w",
"loginDisabled" : false,
"city" : "Half Moon Bay",
"externalSyncOverride" : "IF_VISIBILITY_SYSTEM",
"givenName" : "Aurora",
"ldapAuthenticationDirectory" : "241",
"mailboxLicenseType" : "UNKNOWN",
"mailboxSizeMb" : 1,
"postalZipCode" : "55862",
"stateProvince" : "MI",
"streetAddress" : "5276 Tortor. Road",
"surname" : "Anderson",
"telephoneNumber" : "092-979-9591"
}, {