Currently, the MTA LDAP server shows the mail= attribute - only one and it has ONLY the primary e-mail address.
This severely limits the usability of the MTA LDAP server for lookups.
IDEALLY, publish all available (or only the desired) e-mail addresses with mail= attributes.
When I say "desired", see my idea of checkboxes to select granularly among available e-mail address combinations, which ones to allow for incoming e-mail.
PLUS, publish an eMailAddress field WITHOUT the 7# ... I don't even know why it's there at all.
by: Willem B. | over a year ago | Administration
But if I do an LDAP lookup from our AV appliance, I do get a positive result for all valid email address formats for a single GroupWise mailbox account. I do not see a problem with the new MTA LDAP service.
This request has been modified to "only desired ones". Morris showed me that if you do a lookup based on the address, all valid combinations that you see in "show e-mail addresses" will validate.
The PROBLEMS are twofold:
1) We want to publish some but definitely NOT ALL of these address combinations. Most notably, we have six valid domains but some users need to allow TWO or THREE and definitely NOT all six. The current system permits ONE or ALL and nothing in between.
Therefore the current system is not adequate.
2) This lookup is ONLY useful for antispam e-mail accept queries. If we want to do a lookup query with something like eGuide to show only the addresses we want to make public, the current state does not provide that.