Add message push support for Android via Google GCM so that new messages arrive even when the app is not running. Now the app gets closed by Android after some time and you stop receiving new messages.
iPhone push support was already integrated, but Android push support is absent. The support could be extended to also provide this feature for Android.
by: Don H. | over a year ago | Messenger
That's what we want!
Alternatively the app should start automatically when the smartphone is restarted - otherwise the user will remain offline
I am surprised that only the iOS GroupWise Messenger v18 App has the Push Notification feature and the Android GroupWise Messenger v18 App does not.
The Android Messenger App is somewhat useless without Push Notification.
My Android Messenger App asks me to re-Login after its been idle for 10 minutes.
I am running Android OS v8.0.0 on a SAMSUNG S7.
Please add the push feature. This would be great for my field technicians.
This is definitely something we need.
I was not aware of the lack of Push Notifiaction of Android support..
...and why would it be available for IOS and not android?
A Messenger without push notification is total useless ...
Even if it's limited to Android 10 platforms and newer, this would make the app incredibly useful.
Put more development effort on this Messenger feature request over the other features you have added. Listen to your customers MF.
Please, Microfocus must deploy Google push notification services for Android. In my Organization only IOS users enjoy with GW Messenger in their mobile phones. In documentation, Microfocus says: "GroupWise Messenger does not leverage Google Push Notification Services (c2dm) to accomplish Push to Android devices. Therefore, this is not required for Push notifications to work with Android." ... but push notifications doesn´t work.