With GW14 we typed <last name>, <first letter of the first name> in case there are many people with the same last name in the address book.
With GW18 Groupwise changed the name completion method!
When typing the comma after last name, Groupwise takes the first hit with this last name.
So now we have to type <last name> <first letter of the first name> to be able to select an user with a first name which is not within the 5 hits presented by Groupwise.
And this change has not even be communicated.
In a german environment it is more intuitive to type <last name>, <first name>, which is also the order how Groupwise presents name in a list.
by: Ursula L. | over a year ago | Windows Client
I am sorry, i dont get it and i am also from germany. Why do you type a comma after a lastname ? It is easier to type <last name><space><first digit of first name> ? The "comma" method as you described it, also didnt solve the problem that you are mentioning when selecting names which are not within the first 5 results.
Adress completetion still works like a charm, except you try to enter the groupwise initials, because this was changed in gw18. you cant autocomplete a groupwise user by his intials anymore.
make sure you are running the 18.1 client or newer. name address completion was broken (like many other things) in earlier clients. Now it displays properly, you can use initials etc.
I’ve read the replies but have to give the following feedback – and this also applies to client 18.1:
When I start typing a name, eg. ‘Maier’, GW shows the first ten names starting with ‘Maier’ in the format <lastname comma firstname>.
As such, I find it intuitive to actually TYPE the comma, since it’s there in the first place. So I type ‘Maier, x’, where ‘x’ is the first digit of the first name of the person I’m looking for. This doesn’t work. As soon as I type the comma, GW uses the first name in the list, even with the 18.1 client.
Of course I can use space instead of the comma if I know it works this way but intuitively, the comma would be used since it’s shown in the display in the first place.