we are a global manufacter for the automotive industry and we have different plants worldwide.
since a global merge (centralized) - we are using one global email domain at the headquarter and we have a central primary groupwise domain for all users worldwide.

we are using the Novell Messenger Service since a long time at the different plants but these Messenger Clients are only able to make a smart communication in one eDirectory

But we have have installed for each plant a unique edirectory means: the Plant in Mexico has his own eDirectory Tree (A)- the Plant in Germany has his own eDirectory Tree (B) and and ...

With the "Feature" to merge all GroupWise Domains - we realized our global Concept and solve our cooperation design for all our Customer - but if we want to make a smart communications between the Example User in Mexico and Germany or SouthAfrica - we are not able to chat.

Reason: the User are not in the same Tree

Idea - if the Messenger use the same Feature as GroupWise 2014 (Single/Central System) it will be possible for each User to create a smart Communications between all Users worldwide - this will be a very big benefit if anybody can chat with anybody from any device like a Example: our Chinese Sales Guys can directly chat with the Production Guys from Mexico or ?
