Create a map where i can see all the unread email.

try to find this option but i cant find it.

greetings Wilfred


  • Start a new search: Tools, Find. On the Find tab click Advanced search. Click All Fields, select Item Status, click OK. Change the Middle drop down list to "! Does Not Include", change Accepted to Opened. So the text above says "Include entries where ... Item Status does not include Opened" I assume that's what you need. Click OK, click OK. The search result is displayed with all the unread items. Now click File, Save as Folder. Name it as "unread items" and done. I agree that it is cumbersome, maybe a default unread folder would be necessary to ease the process.

  • Thanks. it was working like that.

  • Easy to add, but it would be nice to have this in the client (Windows and web) as a default filter.

  • Agreed

  • This feature does exist when using WebAccess from an iPhone (the little circle icon in the lower left corner).