Every day in the morning, when I turn on my PC and log in to GW caching mailbox, I receive hundreds of GW Notify popup windows, because I've received hundreds of email from our monitoring system. And of course Notify plays the notification sound every 15 seconds. This is annoying for me and for my colleagues in room. Especially when I log into GW and leave the room to get a tea. I've set up my caching mailbox to check for new emails every 15 minutes to interrupt my work less frequently. It happens often that in 15 minutes I receive more then 10 emails and then I have to click Notify and mute it manually because it just wont stop notifying me.

I've workarounds for this situation, but what I really would like to have is a "Notify Once" feature in Notify. So when I receive more then one email, the Notify would popup and play the sound only once but display the number of new emails. This could be a checkbox in Notify settings.
Or suppress notifications after the 3rd new email, and you can set up the number as you like. This way if you receive only 3 new emails Notify would pop up every time, but if you receive 10 emails, Notify would pop up only 3 times and suppress the next 7 popups.

Or Notify could only show a summary or a list of new emails in the popup window, instead of displaying them one by one for minutes.
