To dial phone numbers from inside the GroupWise Client, the Client uses Windows TAPI. But most modern (VOIP) softphones and dialing software for PBXs don't have the needed telephony driver. Instead they support the tel: or callto: URLs that do the whole trick in one step.
So my idea is to include another dialing option in the client to simply do a shell execute with the tel: or callto: URL, which would then call X-Lite, Zoiper or whatever app is installed - like the call to skype with the skype integration.
This would be valuable for all GroupWise Client users that have a PBX that supports some kind of remote control like Asterisk-based VOIP with AMI. X-Lite, Zoiper etc all support the URL-based dialing.
by: Rainer B. | over a year ago | Windows Client
I would like to see integration options for products like ShorTel too!
I agree we are also a Shoretel user and this would be greatly desirable.
I would like to see this option, to use Shoretel/Mitel