Currently WebAccess can be used as a form of DoS by repeated attempts to log into a user which stops the user from being able to get at their mail through the other methods. It isn't hard to find a target's WebAccess (just google for webacc or owa for such targeting samples)
What we need to fix is
A) a speed bump after a configurable # of failures (0-3) that you now need to deal with at least a CAPTCHA and/or some other secondary authentication check.
B) if a user still has too many login attempts from WebAccess, only lock WebAccess with appropriate logging
by: Andy K. | over a year ago | WebAccess
...shouldn't be that hard to code.
This shouldn't be an enhancement request. It is a security issue that needs to be addressed if a product can be disabled due to a DoS attack!
It is good to secure WebAccess as there are more and more attempts to break down user passwords
This would definitely help with secure this service
The ability to block IP addresses would be useful, too, whether it be dynamic or manual, or a combination of both.