We have Resources (conference rooms) spread across multiple floors and buildings with different configurations and capabilities/attributes.
Some rooms only seat x people.
Some rooms have projectors
Some rooms have dry wall boards
Some rooms have LCD monitors
Some rooms have polycoms
Users want to schedule rooms based on room attributes. Example: I need a room that seats 8 people with a projector, a drywall board and a polycom.
Add functionality to the Resource scheduling for Resources (rooms) that allows users to select (add) the criteria needed when selecting a room so that they can schedule a room resource that best meets their needs.
Admins should be able to Enter the resource attribute ( eg seating capacity) and define attribute values such as if the room/resource has a specified attribute ( polycom, dry board, LCD monitor, etc).
by: Brad B. | over a year ago | Administration
This is certainly a two part idea. 1st) to be able to input such attributes, 2nd) to be able to actively select based on them. Even just being able to see such attributes (hover over and/or some other views) will go a long way so that end users don't have to remember(or have other list) which room had which features.
If resources could have contact information like users do, then the hover text control in the GroupWise client could display this. At the moment, the work-around is to stuff everything into the telephone field.